Tuesday, August 4, 2020

The Sheikh CEO: Surround Yourself with Strong Leaders

The book, "The Sheikh CEO: Lessons in Leadership from Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum", is written by Dr. Yasar Jarrar.

The fifth chapter is entitled, Surround Yourself with Strong Leaders. This is a brief summary of Chapter Five:

A Talent Obsession
"A true leader is one who creates a favourable environment to bring out the energy and ability of his team.  A great leader creates more great leaders and does not reduce the institution to a single person." -Sheikh Mohammed

Forward- Looking Situational Leadership
"I want my team members and Dubai's future leaders to be brave and ambitious and keep their mindset positive.  I want the same thing for my children and theirs, the future leaders." -Sheikh Mohammed

Nurturing Talent Locally and Internationally
"The greatest accomplishment of leadership is not measured in monetary targets, but rather in the positive impact the leader has on his or her people." -Sheikh Mohammed

"Human beings-their ideas, innovations, dreams and connections- are the capital of the future.  In this sense, the 'brain regain' is not so much an achievement in itself as it is a leading indicator of development because where great minds go today, great things will happen tomorrow."- Sheikh Mohammed

Seeking New Leaders
"The making of leaders is a secret granted only to those who have overcome their own ego and who understand that their greatest achievement is to build people, not edifices." -Sheikh Mohammed

Three Horses in the Race
Sheikh Mohammed's adoption of this approach shows how he is constantly experimenting, his passion for new ideas and inspiration and his desire to solicit many ideas and opinions before selecting the best. (p. 165)

"True excellence does not come from being superior to others, but means surpassing oneself time and again." -Sheikh Mohammed

Lessons in Leadership
1.  Pay it forward and nurture future leaders.
2.  Make sure you grow leaders based on merit, diversity and gender balance.
3.  Delegate, delegate, delegate.
4.  Take your team to lunch. (great anecdote on page 166.)
5.  Great leaders must have the ability to make the most out of every situation.

The Sheikh CEO: Lessons in Leadership

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