Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Mental Health Series: Postpartum Depression

The Canadian Mental Health Association provides information about postpartum depression.  Check out their website for more information.  (Direct quotes italicized below.)

What is Postpartum Depression?

- a depression that may start during pregnancy or at any time up to a year after the birth of a child.

Who Does it Affect?

-Although it's more commonly reported by mothers, it can affect any new parents- both moms and dads-and it can affect parents who adopt.

What Can You Do About It?


-support groups


How Can You Help a Loved One?

-Make sure your own expectations of your loved one's experience and day-to-day abilities are realistic.

-Remember that every parent and child is unique and it's not useful to compare two people or two families.

-Understand that people who experience postpartum depression may want to spend a lot of time alone.

-Offer help with daily responsibilities.

-Help with child care (including overnight help for feedings), or help finding a child care provider.

-Recognize a loved one's efforts regardless of the outcome.

-Talk to your doctor or public health nurse.

-Seek support for yourself, if needed.

Canadian Mental Health Association

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