Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Mental Health Series: Anxiety Disorders

The Canadian Mental Health Association has information about anxiety.  Check out their website for more information.  (All direct quotes are italicized below.)

What are Anxiety Disorders?

An anxiety disorder causes unexpected or unhelpful anxiety that seriously impacts our lives, including how we think, feel and act.  The different types of anxiety disorders include:


-panic disorder

-agoraphobia- fear of being in a situation where a person can't escape...

-social anxiety disorder

-generalized anxiety disorder- excessive worry around a number of everyday problems for more than 6 months

Other mental illnesses may not be classified under anxiety disorders, though anxiety or fear is a part of the illness.  These include:

-obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)

-post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

Who Do They Affect?

Anxiety disorders can affect anyone at any age, and they are the most common mental health problem.

What Can I Do About Them?

It is important to talk to a doctor about mental health concerns.  Other ways that you can seek help is through:



-support groups

-self-help strategies

How Can I Help a Loved One?

-remind yourself that the illness is the problem....behaviours related to anxiety are nobody's fault.

-be patient

-offer to help if a loved one is learning new skills

-listen and offer support

-set boundaries and seek support for yourself

-consider family counselling

Canadian Mental Health Association

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