Monday, December 21, 2020

Mental Health Series: Myths About Mental Illness (Part 2)


The following myths about mental illnesses are addressed by the Canadian Mental Health Association.  (Direct quotes are italicized.)

6.  Myth:  People don't recover from mental illnesses.

     Truth:  Even when people experience mental illnesses that last for a long time, they can learn how to manage their symptoms so they can get back to their goals.

7.  Myth:  People who experience mental illnesses are weak and can't handle stress.

     Truth:  Taking care of yourself and asking for help when you need it are signs of strength, not weakness.

8.  Myth:  People who experience mental illnesses can't work.

     Truth:  Most people who experience serious mental illnesses want to work but face systemic barriers to finding and keeping meaningful employment.

9.  Myth:  Kids can't have a mental illness like depression.  Those are adult problems.

     Truth:  ...many mental illnesses first appear when a person is young.

10.  Myth:  Everyone gets depressed as they grow older.  It's just part of the aging process.

       Truth:  Depression is never an inevitable part of aging.  

For more information, check out:

The Canadian Mental Health Association


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