Friday, December 18, 2020

Mental Health Series: Myths About Mental Illnesses (Part 1)


There are a variety of myths about mental illness that the Canadian Mental Health Association presents in this pamphlet.  They are the following:  (Direct quotes are italicized.)

1.  Myth:  Mental illnesses aren't real illnesses.
     Truth: Mental illnesses create distress, don't go away on their own, and are real health problems with effective treatments.

2.  Myth:  Mental illnesses will never effect me.
     Truth:  All of us will be affected by mental illnesses.

3.  Myth:  Mental illnesses are just an excuse for poor behaviour.
     Truth:  ...people with a history of mental illness are like anyone else: they may make poor choices or do something unexpected for reasons unrelated to symptoms of their illness.

4.  Myth:   Bad parenting causes mental illnesses.
     Truth:  Mental illnesses are complicated conditions that arise from a combination of genetics, biology, environment and life experiences.

5.  Myth:  People with mental illnesses are violent and dangerous.
     Truth:  ...people who experience a mental illness are no more violent than people without a mental illness.  

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