Thursday, August 20, 2020

5 AM Club: Letting Go of Mediocrity & All That's Ordinary part II

"The 5 AM Club: Own Your Morning- Elevate Your Life", 
is written by Robin Sharma.
Many of the principles that Sharma presents, are principles that I also use in my life. This is a brief summary, from my perspective, of Sharma's work in chapter 4: pages 30-38.

Upgrading your life so you know real joy and optimizing your skills so you own your field can be uncomfortable a lot of the time.  I need to be honest. But here's one key thing I've learned: the soreness of growth is so much less than the devastating costs of regret.

The first fifty years of our lives are a lot about seeking legitimacy, you know......If we have the courage to look within, we discover that we do this because we have a series of holes within us.  We falsely believe that material from the outside will fill what's empty within ourselves.  Yet it never will.

 The last fifty years become less about me and more about we.  We learn to 
1. savor simple beauty,
2. experience gratitude for small miracles,
3. appreciate the priceless value of peace of mind,
4. spend more time cultivating human connections and
5. come to understand that the one who gives the most is victorious.

Be a virtuoso.  A standout.  An exceptionalist. The Top 5% are a lot less concerned with fame, cash and approval and a lot more invested in
1.  punching above their weight class within their craft
2.  playing above their pay grade around their talents and
3.  creating the kind of productivity that inspires and serves millions.

...not one person today who cannot lift their thinking, performance, vitality, prosperity and lifetime happiness magnificently wiring in a series of profound daily rituals and then practicing them until they become your second nature.

Our world requires this of each of us.  To be champions of our crafts, warriors for our own growth and guardians of unconditional love- for all of humankind.

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