Tuesday, August 18, 2020

5 AM Club: Letting Go of Mediocrity & All That's Ordinary

"The 5 AM Club: Own Your Morning- Elevate Your Life", 
is written by Robin Sharma.
Many of the principles that Sharma presents, are principles that I also use in my life. This is a brief summary, from my perspective, of Sharma's work in chapter 4:

Letting Go of Mediocrity and All that's Ordinary Chapter 4- pages 19-29

...enterprises only offer services that ethically enrich our clients, deliver a breathtaking user experience and breed fanatical followers...

And in my personal life, it's the same thing: 
1. I only eat the best food, though  I don't eat a lot of it.
2. I only read the most original and thoughtful books,
3. spend my time in the most light-filled and inspiring of spaces and
4. visit the most enchanting of places.

Done is Better than Perfect!

Your surroundings really do shape your perceptions, your inspirations and your implementations.
1.  Art feeds my soul.
2.  Great books battle-proof my hope.
3.  Rich conversations magnify my creativity.
4.  Wonderful music uplifts my heart.
5.  Beautiful sights fortify my spirit.

Take excellent care of the front end of your day, and the rest of your day will pretty much take care of itself.  Own your morning.  Elevate your life!

...results are much less about inherited genetics and far more about your daily habits!

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