Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Series: "21 Things You May Not Know About the Indian Act" (Joseph, 2018) #10 Dismantling the Indian Act: If Not the Indian Act, Then What?

Re-reading Bob Joseph's "21 Things You May Not Know About the Indian Act" (2018), has been a 

moving and daunting experience for me. And I feel inadequate to write in detail about what Mr. Joseph 

has so eloquently stated in this prose. I highly recommend you read the book for yourself. It is easy to 

follow and very succinctly identifies key points. The legacy of the Indian Act is still with us. And it is 

something that must be addressed more readily in an effort to provide equality for all people, especially 

those who are of Indigenous descent. Canadians are proud of being seen as kind and generous. This is an 

area that needs to be applied to the legacy of the Indian Act. 

 In chapter 6, Mr. Joseph addresses Self-Government, Community Healing and Reconciliation.

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