Friday, December 25, 2020

Mental Health Series: Depression & Bipolar Disorder

The Canadian Mental Health Association provides information about depression and bipolar disorder.  For more information, check out their website.  (Direct quotes are italicized below.)

What is Depression?

-Signs of depression include feeling sad, worthless, hopeless, guilty or anxious a lot of the time.  Some feel irritable or angry.  

-People lose interest in things they used to enjoy and may withdraw from others.

-Depression can make it hard to focus on tasks and remember information.

-It can be hard to concentrate, learn new things, or make decisions.

-Depression may change the way people eat and sleep, and many people experience physical health problems.

What is Bipolar Disorder?

-With bipolar disorder, people experience episodes of depression and episodes of mania.

-An episode of depression in bipolar disorder is the same as other types of depression.

-Mania is an unusually high mood for the person.

What Can I Do?

-counselling and support groups


-relapse prevention- seeking help as early as possible can do a lot to reduce problems or challenges.

How Can I Help a Loved One?

-learn more about the illness and listen to your loved one

-give the person space when they want it to be alone

-ask how you can help

-make sure your expectations are realistic

-set your own boundaries

-seek support for yourself and think about joining a support group for loved ones

Canadian Mental Health Association

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