Sunday, September 20, 2020

The Sheikh CEO: My Reflections (C. Penner) (Edited blog post.)

Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum is a strong, humble leader who always puts people first.  And he does this in innovative, challenging and inclusive ways.

Recently, Sheikh Mohammed was the first to send an airplane full of supplies to Beirut, Lebanon, in the wake of the port disaster.  To those living in the GCC region, the Sheikh's actions are not surprising and more so, are just status quo. 

Without exception, Sheikh Mohammed is always the first to send aid and resources, wherever they are needed. Sheikh Mohammed's humble leadership in extending help is understood, and maybe even taken for granted.

Sometimes these stories may not be heard around the world.  

So the next time you hear a story from the Middle East or anywhere in the world, do your own research to discover the truth.  You are likely to be pleasantly surprised at what you find!

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